Title: Brittany & George Venue: The Paramount Event Space Photography: Amanda Morari
Cassandra & Tyler Venue: The Arlington Estate Photography: Tianlin Zhu Photography
Title: Gillian and Ilia Venue: Estates of Sunnybrook Photography: Silverlight Photography
Title: Stephanie and Gareth Venue: The Albany Club Photography: The Eastcore
Title: Joy & Ryan Venue: Scarboro Golf Club Photographer: Tianlin Zhu
Title: Sooyeon & Francisco Venue: The Royal Ambassador Photography: One & Only Studio
Andrea & Drew Photography by Xero Digital Venue: Malaparte
Sabina & Rob Photography by Jamieson Dean Church: St. David’s Parish Reception Venue: The Warehouse Event Venue
“Bianca & Trey” Photography by Avangard Photography Venue: Guild Inn Estates
“Dorothy & Stephen” Photographer: Wee Three Sparrows Venue: Miller Lash House